Federal Bank continued its training sessions on First aid & CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) to students from 9th to 12th standard and graduation students at Thrissur.
The inaugural ceremony took place at Government Engineering College, Thrissur. The program was inaugurated by Shaji K.V, Vice President & Regional Head – Thrissur, Federal Bank, in the presence of Anil C J, Deputy Vice President & Head- CSR Dept, Federal Bank, R. Balachandran, Chairman &Managing Director, SB Global Educational Resources Pvt. Ltd and Ranjini Bhattathirippad, Principal, Government Engineering College, Thrissur. Around 50000 students across Kerala are planned to be trained. The activity will be carried out initially in around 80 select schools in Ernakulam and Thrissur districts.
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