As the system of making emergency quota accessible to common man and stop its misuse by unscrupulous elements, was being stabilized at Southern Railway Headquarters at Chennai in last three months.
Chief Commercial Manager, Ajeet Saxena was getting direct feedback from public from far off places in Southern Railway, about continuing malpractices and touts and agents – in collusion with vested interest
On receiving these inputs, Sr.Divisional Commercial Manager, Trivandrum, was asked to conduct a surprise check into repeated complaints of malpractices and irregularities happening in EQ allotment at Ernakulam in Trivandrum Division.
On a surprise check, it was discovered that the complaints were true and that there were serious irregularities in allotment of EQ at Ernakulam, leading to misuse of EQ with collusion of some insiders. It was found that the EQ was being allotted irregularly without any sanction from the authorised officer by the staff who were not authorized to do so.
Moreover, when random checks were conducted by trying to contact the passengers on their mobile numbers provided in EQ application, it was discovered that many of them were fictitious phone numbers and many others who were allotted seats from EQ, were not even entitled for such allotment from EQ. Even the new format prescribed by Southern Railway, Headquarter office was not being followed. No written records were being kept for majority of cases, which has confirmed large scale malpractices in the allotment of EQ at Ernakulam.
On receipt of preliminary enquiry report, following actions have been taken:
1. All EQ requisition slips of last three months have been ordered to be seized not only from Ernakulam but also from other Divisions for further investigation into the matter.
2. The allotment has been centralised at Trivandrum although people can continue to submit their requisitions to Area Manager/Ernakulam.
3. After the detailed enquiry, responsibility will be fixed and action taken against those responsible.
It is once again reiterated that the EQ on Southern Railway has been made accessible to common man who need to travel in emergency and a procedure has been prescribed for availing this facility. Preference is given to Defence Personnel travelling on Duty/Leave, patients, Senior Citizens, Death cases, Students travelling for examinations/interviews and any other emergencies requiring urgent travel by common man.
While for the self travel by VIPs, the warrant of precedence is strictly followed and their requisitions honoured, the common man can approach the OSD to CCM or designated authorities in all the Six Divisions to ask for allotment from EQ for emergency travel.
Special cases like super senior citizens or patients or pregnant women, who cannot visit these offices personally, can make a request on fax or speak to the OSD to CCM explaining their requirements and circumstances. For example, in genuine cases, even old parents living in Chennai wanting seat confirmation for their daughter travelling from Tirunelveli to Chennai, can request the OSD for reservation from EQ quota from Tirunelveli to Chennai.
Tickets bought through travel agents are normally not considered for allotment of seats from the EQ.
Random checks are conducted on the phone number provided by the passengers while applying for the EQ.
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