myocardial infarction

This Diabetes Drug Cuts Heart Failure Risk by 34%

LONDON: The new type of drugs for type 2 diabetes -- SGLT2 inhibitors -- are associated with a reduced risk…

5 years ago

Reduce ”Ugly Cholesterol” for Stroke Prevention

LONDON: Reducing high levels of remnant cholesterol or ''ugly cholesterol'' can significantly cut the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction,…

5 years ago

Genetic Therapy helps Heal Damage Caused by Heart Attack

LONDON: Scientists have developed a gene therapy that can induce heart cells to regenerate and repair the damage caused by…

5 years ago

Skipping Breakfast may Increase Death Risk

BRASILIA: Do you skip your morning meal and eat dinner late at night? If so, it may increase the risk…

5 years ago

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