startup city

Social Capital vital for SC/STs Entrepreneurs: Minister Radhakrishnan

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:Making a strong pitch for an attitudinal change towards deprived sections, Minister for Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and…

7 months ago

‘Startup City’ Project Opens up Big Opportunities for SC/ST Entrepreneurs

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has commenced registration for the ‘Startup City’ project, jointly launched by KSUM and state government’s empowerment…

10 months ago

KSUM partners with Unnathi to promote ventures of SC-ST communities

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM:In a major social empowerment initiative in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding…

11 months ago

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