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Drugs Worth 1.15 Cr Meant for New Year’s Party in Police Net

In Nation
December 16, 2020

The Central Crime Branch (CCB) police here on Wednesday arrested four persons and recovered drugs worth Rs 1.15 crore from them.

The police said the drugs was being stocked in such large quantity keeping in view of the New Year celebration that is just a fortnight away.

The CCB police have seized 5.6 kg of Hashish oil or Hash oil which is also known as Honey oil or Cannabis oil; and 3.3 kg of marijuana from them.

According to the police, the accused were identified as M. Tirupal Reddy, Kamaleshan, Satish Kumar and Aijaz Pasha.

The police said that the accused had stored large stocks of narcotics at a house in Kempapura and were trying to sell it at high price for the party goers, especially for the New Year celebration.

A police officer said that Hash Oil gives similar effect of Marijuana but it is more potent.

“This is generally used through vaping, which can turn out to be lethal. This is also used through E-cigarettes sometimes and also applied on lips directly which gives the same effect. This is gaining more popularity among youngsters especially college students,” he said.

Another officer added that Hashish can be consumed by oral ingestion or smoking; typically in a pipe, bong, vaporizer or joints, where it is normally mixed with marijuana or tobacco, as pure hashish will burn poorly if burned alone.

Bengaluru City Police Commissioner Kamal Pant said that the police team will be given an award of Rs 50,0000 for arresting and seizing such a large quantity of drugs.

The police have registered a case and are investigating further.