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Samavartanam 2018 at Rajagiri College of Social Sciences 

In Education
May 17, 2018

With 430 students passing out with their grades and Post Graduate Students with handsome placements, Rajagiri College of Social Sciences celebrated its 63 rd Samavartanam with lots of festivities.
M S Unnikrishnan, Managing Director and CEO of Thermax Global, Pune, was the Chief Guest. During his Samavartanam Speech he said it’s an honour and a matter of pride to come back as a global citizen to Rajagiri, that has scored high rank in the rating by Ministry of HRD, and Kerala, his motherland. In India in the present situation when there are lakhs of well educated youngsters coming out in to the job market and same time when the opportunities are not that fast improving it is up to the thoughtful youngsters to be creative enough to come up with
commercially viable projects and create opportunities instead of searching for the same.
He encouraged thousands in the audience narrating his experiences and the pathways of the challenging careers that still await the risk-taking youngsters even in the dynamic modern era. The Chief Guest also presented the Excellence awards for the best performers.
Fr. Dr. Saju Madavanakad CMI, the Educational Councilor of Sacred Heart Province presided over the function. Dr. Joseph I Injodey, Executive Director, welcomed the huge gathering, Dr. Binoy Joseph, Principal, administered the Oath to passing out students and Sr. Dr. Pushpa, Coordinator, MSW Programme proposed vote of thanks.