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Delayed Justice Delivered: Kerala High Court Corrects Itself by Re-opening its Door to Media persons

In Kerala
July 30, 2016

high court

Kochi: Kerala High Court has at last decided to allow the re-entry of media into its premises.

The Registrar of the High Court issued a press release making it clear that there is no ban on media entering the High Court.

The release reads: “In the joint meeting of the …..Acting Chief Justice and the committee to formulate code for the press and electronic media in relation to reporting of court proceedings inthe High Court of Kerala, it was noted that there is need to make public the fact that there is no ban imposed on the journalists from attending and reporting court proceedings.

The Committee to formulate code for the Press and the Electronic Media in relation to report of court proceedings will look into the issue of framing guidelines to provide prompt and and easy access for the journalists to judgements and orders which are pronounced and issued.

Taking into account the requirements to insulate the chamber and office of each judge and attached staff , including private secretaries and personal assistants , the individual judges will be at liberty to decline access to any person to their chambers and the office of the private secretaries and personal assistants , including personal assistants attending to the court work of that judge from the personal assistants’ pool.” The release is signed by the Registrar General of the court.