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CUSAT: First Ph.D. of ACARR Conducted Online

In Education
June 15, 2020

The Open Defense of the first PhD produced from the prestigious CUSAT Wind Profiling Radar operating at 205 MHz was conducted online at the Advanced Centre for Atmospheric Radar Research (ACARR), Cochin University of Science and Technology.

The candidate Titu K. Samson who is on training as a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Arizona State University, USA did his PhD work entitled ‘Design, Development, Calibration and Validation of 205 MHz wind profiler Radar’ under the guidance of Prof. P. Mohanan (Retd.), Department of Electronics, CUSAT who is also a founding Co-ordinator of the Radar Project.

Dr. V.K. Anandan, Deputy Director, ISTRAC, ISRO-Bangalore, the external expert attended from Bangalore. Prof. K. Mohankumar, Hon. Director of ACARR, and Prof. C.K. Aanandan, Dean of Technology, Dr. S. Abhilash (Assoc. Director)  were also present in addition to other evaluation committee members.