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Improve on Our Past Knowledge Offering Additions to it: Governor

In Education
November 08, 2021

“We should not set satisfied with our past events. We must improve upon our past knowledge by offering additions to it” said the Governor of Kerala Arif Mohammed Khan.

He was delivering the convocation speech in the golden jubilee year convocation at Cochin University of Science and Technology seminar hall on Monday. “Unfortunately, we could not build upon these knowledge foundations in effective manner as the rest of the world moved in right direction taking knowledge forward and making great progress.” He noted.

India is the third largest producer of scientific papers. CUSAT had made its contributions making it in world ranking. He appreciated CUSAT for winning the chancellor’s award thrice

The Golden Jubilee convocation was declared open by the Governor. He presented the degrees to 80 students in person and the rest online.

Dr K N Madhusoodanan, Vice-chancellor, Dr P G Sankaran, Pro-vice-chancellor, Dr V Meera, Registrar, Dr P. Benjamin Varghese, Examination Controller, M S Sudheer, Finance officer, syndicate members, and deans of various faculty attended the function.