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KSUM Beckons Startups for ‘Zero Waste Hackathon’

In Business
December 04, 2023

Opening a plethora of opportunities for startups from the state, Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) has collaborated with the Kerala Development Innovation Strategic Council (KDISC) as its outreach partner for the waste management hackathon that aims to safeguard water resources and ensure a clean and healthy living in the state.

The ‘Zero Waste Hackathon’ is a pioneering initiative of the state government to empower Local Self Governments by connecting them with innovative startup solutions designed to tackle the challenges they face in waste management. As per the initiative, startups can come out with innovative solutions on effective waste management.

It also aims to leverage the potential of technology and innovation to implement sustainable and efficient waste management practices across state.

KSUM CEO Anoop Ambika said the waste management hackathon provides new business opportunities for startups and innovators who can immensely contribute to intense campaign of the state government and take it to the next level.

Anoop said the hackathon seeks innovative technologies for waste processing, handling systems, segregation and waste transfer, besides business models for waste processing, recycling, waste reduction and recovery.

Startups/agencies/organisations with innovative solutions can take part in the hackathon to innovate and introduce waste management solutions. Financial support for pilot intervention will be channelized for selected startups/agencies/organizations through various programmes of the Government of Kerala.

For more details, visit: https://kdisc.kerala.gov.in/en/zero-waste-hackathon/

KDISC has also collaborated with the Local Self Government Department Kerala, Suchitwa Mission, Haritha Kerala Mission, Clean Kerala Company, Kerala Solid Waste Management Project (KSWMP), Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA), and Centre for Management Development (CMD) for the implementation of waste management hackathon.

KSUM is the nodal agency of the Kerala Government for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in the state.