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CUSAT Team Gets Place in U.S.A University Rover Challenge Short List

In Education
February 01, 2020

‘Horizon’ a team of 20 students, from CUSAT School of Engineering have been included in the final shortlist for the prestigious University Rover Challenge (URC) organized by Mars society, U.S.A to be held at Utah, U.S.A in collaboration with protocase and Microsoft.

CUSAT’s team is the only team to be shortlisted from Kerala among 12 teams from India and 93 teams worldwide. The selection was done on the basis of the preliminary report submitted. URC by the Mars Society is a robotics competition for university level students that challenge teams to design and build a rover that would be of use to early explorers on Mars.

Currently the team is working towards submission of the final technical design report. The team is being co-ordinated by faculty co-ordinator Dr Biju N.