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Budget Gives Priority for Tourism, KTM Society President Abraham George

In Kochi
July 08, 2016

Kerala Travel Mart Society President Abraham George has welcomed the LDF government’s proposal, made during its first Budget presentation on Friday, to create four lakh job opportunities in the tourism sector.
“The Budget has clearly made the tourism sector a priority. With the proposal of employment creation, Tourism will become a major for engine economic growth and development of the state. The government has lined up more than 1,000 projects, which will account for the development of new destinations as well as improvement of the existing tourist spots,” George said.
The state Budget, presented by Finance Minister Dr Thomas Issac, had also announced a concession on luxury tax. “This will make the star-rated hotels more affordable to the common man,” George added.
As well, he noted that the infrastructure-development projects proposed in the Budget would come as a shot in the arm to the tourism sector.
“Both tourism and infrastructure are closely interlinked. Development in infrastructure will always correspond to improvement in the tourism sector,” said Abraham.