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Jackfruit Flour: Managing Diabetes the Natural Way

In Health
January 15, 2020

Johnson has been suffering from diabetes and its related issues since few years. One of these issues was suffering from insomnia due to sleep being interrupted by frequent urination, triggered by his diabetic condition.

Even after taking the prescribed medicines on time, Johnson couldn’t find satisfactory relief. This is when Jackfruit flour came to his rescue. Along with his medicines, he incorporated a simple lifestyle change of adding one tablespoon of jackfruit flour to the flour used in his daily meals, and within a matter of days he became free from frequent urination and insomnia.

Jackfruit grows in the wild and is naturally organic and Jack fruit flour is nothing but cleaned, dried and powder made from raw green jack fruit. With continuous use over time he has become completely free from diabetic medications. A simple addition to his diet helped him overcome a long suffering.

Jackfruit is the largest tree borne fruit in India and is native to the India sub-continent. With multiple health benefits on offer, jackfruit is widely regarded as a wonder fruit. Yet its usage has been dwindling due to the cumbersome nature of the fruit and usage difficulties. Now with the ready availability of jackfruit flour, it has become easier for users to include this highly beneficial fruit in their diet. As a result, the consumption of jackfruit flour has seen a revival of sorts with public interest again peaking around this familiar fruit.

Due to its unique texture, tender jackfruit is widely used by vegetarians and vegans as a substitute for meat. But due to its sticky gum and strong fruity smell when ripe, many users refrained from using it. But now as jackfruit flour is easily available, consumers can include the health benefits of jackfruit in their diet without being bothered about its stickiness or smell. Whether it be traditional breads, cereals or latest baked goodies, adding just a spoonful of jackfruit flour can enhance health benefits manifold.

James Joseph, founder of Jackfruit365, says, “ The standout benefits of consuming jackfruit flour are its various properties that can help with the management of blood sugar levels. Green (raw) jackfruit has lower Glycaemic Load than rice and wheat, thanks to the high fibre content, thereby, optimizing the speed of digestion and preventing sudden spikes in the blood sugar levels. Moreover, incredible nutritional properties of jackfruit flour, such as being a source of natural fibre, soluble fiber, several minerals like potassium and natural plant antioxidants, may help reduce the risk of several complex ailments.”

Dr. Rajithan, an Ayurvedic physician with Oushadhi Hospitals, Thrissur, affirms, “Jackfruit is the largest tree-borne fruit in India and is native to the India sub-continent. With suitable tropical climate found in most regions of the country, India is the second-largest producer of jackfruit in the world. With lower Glycemic Load and higher fibre, green jackfruit is a great alternate to rice and wheat to control blood sugar. Green Jackfruit in flour form is a very convenient option for my patients to include in their daily meal and keep their blood sugar under control using a traditional natural plant food of Kerala.”

“The health benefits of jackfruit flour are too good to be ignored. Regular consumption has the potential to have a positive impact on overall health. Being a rich traditional source of fibre, jackfruit flour offers several digestive health benefits as well as assists with weight management. It is also easy for patients to continue their diet therapy even after leaving hospital treatment”, asserts, Dr. Lalitha Appukuttan, Physician and HOD, Nateuropathy Department, NIMS Medicity.

Jackfruit Flour – Bringing the power of nature to the kitchen in a simple and effective way
Handling a raw jackfruit is not easy. There are various challenges in cutting a raw jackfruit, and it requires some power, proper technique and the sticky material inside the raw jackfruit further complicates the process. These challenges have been restricting the inclusion of jackfruit in the daily diet by many users. But the introduction of jackfruit flour is nothing less than a game-changer.

Through a proprietary method which retains all the goodness of the fruit, Jackfruit flour is prepared from dried mature raw jackfruits. The flour prepared has better nutritional value as the moisture content is significantly reduced during drying.

Jackfruit flour can be easily used to prepare various food products like dosa, chapati, oats, and other breakfast items, by substituting a part of the base to make the preparation fibre rich and healthy. The flour must be stored in a clean and dry container away from direct sunlight. It can be easily incorporated in everyday diet as a highly value added health ingredient and, that 1 tablespoon per meal to avail the various health benefits on offer. People suffering from diabetes should consume jackfruit flour regularly as it may help maintain blood sugar at consistent levels.