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KSUM to Organise Meeting of Hardware Startups in Kasaragod

In Business
May 10, 2018

In a bid to give a fillip to the startup ecosystem in North Malabar, Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) will organise a meeting of the state’s hardware community on Saturday (April 28) with the objective of bringing all startups in the region under one roof.
A basic objective of the meeting is to form a community of the organisations and individuals in the hardware domain and provide a unified link to them. Such a community will be formed at the KSUM office at Vidyanagar on April 28. A workshop on Arduino (an open-source electronics platform) will also be conducted from 9.30 am till 4.30 pm.
Apart from attracting new investments to Northern Malabar, such an endeavour will provide the student community and investors much required training in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality. Those who are interested can register on https://bit.ly/2JtQkcm.
Anyone who has passed 10th grade can take part in the workshop. The first 30 people will get the opportunity to take part in the workshop.