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KSUM’s ‘Open House’ Programme for Public Entry

In Kochi
June 30, 2023

Facilitating the common people to understand its activities, Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) is holding an ‘Open House’ programme that permits public entry to the Technology Innovation Zone office (TIZ) at Kalamassery on the first Saturday of every month.

The public can make entry this weekend (July 1) to KSUM, Maker Village and Super Fablab in TIZ, 20 km north of the city. The aim is to give the common people an idea about KSUM’s activities, incubator systems and allied facilities.

The visits, starting at 11 a.m., can be made after registering at https://bit.ly/OH_Ktiz.

The common people can thus gather information about the formalities associated with launching a startup, as KSUM officials will be available to clarify doubts and seek details. The aim is to enable a stronger bond with the public, according to KSUM officials.

KSUM is the nodal agency of the Kerala government for entrepreneurship development and incubation activities in the state.