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Soft Skills of Volunteers Ensure Smooth Conduct of India Skills Kerala 2020

In Kerala
February 24, 2020

Together they total 100, and gender-wise the number is fairly even. As volunteers, 53 boys and 47 girls have ensured smooth conduct of the India Skills KeralITYIa 2020 which concluded here today.

The organisers provided two volunteers each for the 39 competitions that saw spirited contests among 253 participants in the state-level round of the event at Swapna Nagari here. Others were assigned to ensure uninterrupted supply of water and electricity and lend a helping at the auditorium, food counter, media centre and the VIP pavilion.

The volunteer team comprised ITI students enrolled under the National Service Scheme and office-bearers of the Trainees Council. Their work helped making smooth the visits of ministers and other VIPs to the venue of the three-day event, organised by the Industrial Training Department (ITD) and Kerala Academy for Skills Excellence (KASE), both under the he Labour and Skills Department.

ITD Director Chandrasekar S, who is Managing Director of KASE, said the idea was to give the volunteers a good exposure to a range of skills that feature in the competitions of India Skills Kerala 2020.

ITD Additional Director Dharmarajan K S, who headed the team of volunteers, praised the members for their prudent behaviour and soft skills. General ITI student Jithil G S, the captain of the volunteers, said the work helped them learn more about the various skills at the event.