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Toonz Animation Academy to Organise a Short Film Contest for College Students

In Education, Entertainment
November 13, 2018

Toonz Animation Academy, one of the top animation schools in India in association with Skillactz, a leading employability skills channel is organizing a short film contest for college students in Kerala. The contest is challenging the students to tell a compelling story in two minutes on the theme “My Career Aspirations and Challenges” in English or Malayalam. The contest aims to get students to think more deeply about their career and to give them a platform to articulate their dreams and fears.

The participants can either enter in Mobile/ Tablet category or Professional Camera category. The preliminary rounds will take place in three zones, Trivandrum, Kochi and Kozhikode. Out of which four finalists will be selected from each zone for the Grand Finale in Trivandrum.

The best short films from each zone will be screened in the zonal finals and the most engaging, imaginative and innovative short film that portrays the theme will be deemed the winners. The last day for the submission of entry is 31 st December 2018, Monday. Attractive cash prizes, and other rewards awaits the winner and finalists. For more information contact +91 85890 70234 / www.skillactz.com / [email protected].