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Alliance Française Presents Cinéclub La Famille Bélier

In Entertainment, Kochi
November 08, 2016

Alliance Française, Cochin annexe in association with the Embassy of France in India is organising a Cinéclub in Cochin. La Famille Bélier will be screened as part of November Cinéclub on 11 November, 5.30pm @ Alliance Française, Cochin annexe.la-famille-belier
La Famille Bélier/ Éric Lartigau/ 2014/ 106mins.
In the Bélier family, sixteen-year-old Paula is an indispensable interpreter for her deaf parents and brother on a daily basis, especially in the running of the family farm. One day, a music teacher discovers her gift for singing and encourages Paula to participate in a prestigious singing contest in Paris, which will secure her a good career and a college degree. However, this decision would mean leaving her family and taking her first steps towards adulthood.
Film has subtitles in English. Entry free.
For more information, please contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Ph: 0484 2376220, 0484 4070254