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Permits for Prepaid Autorickshaw at Thiruvananthapuram Central Station

In Trivandrum
October 25, 2017

In a meeting of the Trade Union leaders of CITU, INTUC, AITUC and BMS with V C Sudheesh, Sr.Divisional Commerical Manager, Trivandrum Division held at Divisional Railway Managers office Trivandrum, the following major decisions on Prepaid Autorikshaw facility at Thiruvananthapuram Central station has been taken;
Based on the demand of Trade unions, the permit/licence fees has been fixed at Rs 1250  for six months and this shall be payable in quarterly instalments. The permit fee is reduced from Rs 1800 as per the request of trade unions.
Permits will be issued for the existing three hundred autorikshaws after payment of the licence fees. Extra autorikshaws will be considered after mutual consultation and requirements of passengers.
Railways will provide Identity cards to the drivers and issue stickers for the autoriskhaws with details of Complaint Helpline Number.
From 10 Novemeber 2017 Autrorikshaws will be issued permits for providing service at Prepaid autotaxi stand in the railway station premises.