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Spices Board to Organise Hindi Fortnight Celebrations

In Kochi
August 27, 2016

For the spirited promotion of the national language, Spices Board will organise diverse competitions for school students as part of Hindi Fortnight Celebrations (Hindi Pakhawada Samaroh).spices
The high school and higher secondary school (CBSE, ICSE and State Board) students of Kerala are eligible to participate in the competitions slated to be held from October 4 to 7. The celebrations will have competitions on Hindi poetry recitation, patriotic songs and skits.
Spices Board, which has been promoting and popularising Hindi by organising similar competitions, including Hindi Cryptic Crossword, said the objective behind holding such competitions in schools is to give a platform to students to showcase their language proficiency.
For registrations and other details on competitions, visit http://indianspices.com/spice-news/hindi-competitions-students. Interested students and schools may send their entries before August 31.